Sab Saath is a project of Zaman Foundation which came about in response to the covid-19 pandemic. The chief objective of this podium was to integrate the multi-faceted response to food, cash, medical and personal protective kits.
Similarly, when the unprecedent floods ravaged the country 2022, Sab Saath in collaboration with numerous groups and organizations and like-minded individuals reached out in providing relief and rehabilitating thousands our brothers and sisters across Pakistan.
Sab Saath mil kar (together), We have protected 52,000 lives; systematically disbursed 5.2 million cash; provided 3150 emergency relief pages; served 2,017, 180 meals; supplied 1075 mosquito nets and sheltered 800 families in 109 village across the 3 provinces of Southern Punjab, Sindh & Balochistan.