Zaman Foundation

Account Details
Donations can be made in PKR to:
Bank Al Habib (For Sadaqa & General donations)
Zaman Foundation
Account Number:
Bank Account No: 00650981015595012
IBAN: PK21BAHL0065098101559501
Swift Code: BAHLPKKA
Swift Code: BAHLPKKA
Branch Code: 0065
Faysal Bank Ltd (For Zakat)
Zaman Foundation
Account Number:
Bank Account No: 3273390000003812
IBAN: PK90FYSS3273390000003812
Swift Code: FAYSPKKA
Swift Code: FAYSPKKA
Branch Code: 3273
Cheque: write a cross cheque with Zaman Foundation as the recipient.
Zaman Foundation is a non-profit organization registered through a trust deed executed in 2005. The organization is tax exempt under Section 2(36(c)) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. All donations in Pakistan are tax deductible and will receive a Certification of Donation.