Interest free Loans

This service is for current employees of Zaman Foundation and SEFAM group of companies only. The loans are facilitated by our parent group of companies as private donors.

Zaman Foundation aims to assist hardworking, resilient, and self-relying individuals whose growth and development will have a positive impact on society.

Basic Eligibility Criteria for Loans

  • Applicant should have a valid CNIC
  • Applicant should be economically active
  • Applicant should have not been convicted of any criminal offence
  • Applicant should have a good social and moral character in his community
  • Applicant should be able to provide with two guarantors other than his family members
  • Applicant should not have previous history of not paying off his debt worth more than Rs.100,000.
  • The applicants applying for wedding loans must be 21+ with at with a minimum of a calendar year’s work at hand.